Forgive me for not writing sooner. I've been adjusting dates a bit,
> and wanted to have a clearer sense of rehearsal dates, et. (I'm
> changing the workshop dates to begin on Valentines day). I was
> feeling crunched, time-wise, so I pushed things back a little to give
> myself some breathing room.
> Didn't mean to leave you hanging.
> Thanks so much for coming to the audition. I really appreciate your
> participation. I am just thrilled to my core to sit in a circle with
> women and share fantasies. Love it.
> Your work was brave and exciting and I am honored to have been an
> audience to both your audition piece and your free write.
> I am holding one more evening of auditions for the folks who couldn't
> make it, and hoping to bring in a little diversity. (When we did talk
> backs last january after the show, the most repeated piece of
> constructive criticism was to expand the palette - more women of all
> shapes and ages and colors and preferences).
> I will be in touch as to what happens next.
> Eleanor
> Hi Eleanor,
Great to hear from you! Glad to see you were able to give yourself some breathing room and think constructively about the permutations of Inspiring Desire and how you can bring to bear some the critique from prior workshop and feedback sessions.
I agree that increasing diversity within the show could be really fruitful and add a dimensionality that might have been less emphasized in prior performances.
It was so wonderful to see you again after so many years, I'm so glad that my foray back into the world of auditioning/potentially performing was with a vehicle and a workshop that you facilitate! What a crazy coincidence!
I wish you luck in your second round of auditions and would urge you to consider disabled women's perspectives as an important new addition to Inviting Desire, of course, as so much of my written and performance work has focused on exploring women's sexuality and disability and, because I myself identify as a disabled woman; I hope that I am at least heavily considered as a cast member of this year's rendition of Inviting Desire. If not, I hope that at least one disabled woman is added to the cast. Disabled woman are so often not allowed to be sexual or run the risk of being either over eroticized or completely removed from anything societally recognized as erotic, sexy or, carnal. When thinking about diversity, disability is definitely important to consider.
Keep me posted as to the outcome of the second round of auditions.
All the best,
Love it! I'm thoroughly convinced that you in this show is a necessity. Can't wait to read the next letter -- acceptance!